ph. 585.526.6317

fax 585.526.4799

Mailing Address
PO Box 224
Gorham, NY 14461

Physical Address
4736 South St.
Gorham, NY 14461

Office Hours
Tues, Thu., Fri. 9 am to 1 pm
Wed. 9 am to 7 pm

Building/Zoning Hours
Mon - Thu 7 am to 3 pm
Fri 8 am to 1 pm

Contact Form / Directory

Town Government / Departments


AS A REMINDER: The Town of Gorham Board of Assessment Review and the Assessor's Office will not accept Form RP-524 electronically by fax or email for Grievance Day, Which is Thursday, May 29, 2025.  All Rp-524 grievance forms (except for any supporting documentation) must be submitted in person, by delivery service, or by mail.

The Town of Gorham had a contract with New York State to accomplish Annual Reassessment. For many years Gorham property owners have benefited from Annual Reassessment: Gorham’s Equalization Rate remains at 100%, which makes it easier for property owners to relate to and compare Assessments. Also, Assessments remain consistent and there is a monetary reimbursement from the State in the form of “Maintenance Aid” for keeping Assessments up to date and equitable. As part of the program, Assessments are reviewed yearly; not necessarily changed.

Gorham Assessor Enza Mineo has 10 plus years of experience in Real Property Valuation and Assessment. In Gorham we realize the most important job of the Assessor is to maintain equity in the Assessment Roll so Assessments are fair; allowing the Municipalities, (School, County, etc.) to levy their respective taxes and meet their budget needs.

Data collection is a critical aspect of the Assessor’s job. Fair Assessment is dependent on correct inventory of Real Property. We will be considerate of property owners’ privacy and, at the same time, collect inventory relevant to valuation: (How big? How many? What Age and condition? Are examples of types of inventory we record.)

Exemption Administration is another important job of the Assessor and staff. Assessor Aide, Sue Yarger is knowledgeable and proficient with the ever-increasing numbers of Exemptions available to Taxpayers. Pamphlets detailing Exemptions and Assessment procedures are available at the Assessor’s Office located in the new Gorham Town Hall at 4736 South St. in the Hamlet of Gorham.

March 1st each year is Taxable Status Date: By law, all Real Property must be Assessed for the upcoming year as it, the property, exists on that day. Exemption applications and renewals must be filed with the Assessor’s Office by March 1st each year.

Contact Clerk to the Assessor Valary Muscarella with exemption questions at (585) 526-6317 ext. 114, Thursday & Friday 8am - 4pm.